Newsletter Design

Virginia Education Update. In 2023, I was asked to launch a replacement at the Virginia Department of Education for the superintendent of public instruction’s memoranda and emails to division superintendents. This new format needed to include concise writing and capture updates from the multiple offices across the agency. VDOE uses GovDelivery as the mechanism to deliver this weekly to over 1000 inboxes. View online.
I developed an in-house SharePoint based review and approval system using PowerAutomate to allow agency employees to submit articles and have them go through a multi-step review process. The SharePoint site includes full style guide and instructional videos.
Print Design

Virginia Health and Physical Activity Institute Conference Program. In Summer 2023 I designed this program based upon a legacy program from scratch using Adobe InDesign. View online.

Goochland County Public Schools Annual Reports. In addition to writing articles as a member of the instructional leadership team, I also design and oversee the printing of 11-14,000 copies of our annual report which is direct-mailed to citizens throughout Goochland County. See versions of my work: 2018, 2017, 2016.

Goochland County Public Schools 2020-2026 Strategic Plan. I created the graphics for the next version of Goochland’s strategic plan in Adobe Illustrator; Keynote was used to create the strategic plan. I also created this executive summary in Keynote. The graphic above teases at the earlier plan designed for 2014-2020.

Logos for the Goochland CTE Academies. In response to a new instructional program, I designed four logos based on prior artwork I designed for the career and technical education department.

Balanced Assessment Project Brief. Created a brief to capture the division’s new assessment program, designed by Dr. Stephen Geyer. I edited the text and designed some of the graphics that went into the overall design of the brief.

Spring Gala Poster. Worked with the Goochland Education Foundation as a client to produce a poster to advertise for their annual fundraising effort.

Marketing Roll Up Sign. This was produced to take to job fair events and teacher recruitment fairs.

Visual Identity for the Goochland High School Learning Commons. With a generous donation in 2017, I led the project of re-designing the library space at Goochland High School, which included graphic branding. I include two examples here, using the color scheme used in the new paint for the space: Learning Commons Digital Signage and Think, Make, Play Poster. A common set of assets were produced for floor stickers, digital signage, posters, and a door sign, all coordinated with the colors chosen for the interior walls and furniture. I oversaw the redesign of the space, working with an interior designer, and supplied technology solutions to enhance the environment.

Community Conversations Poster – 2019. I designed a poster using visual language I already established to invite community members to an event co-hosted by the school division. This was used as a printed poster, but also as part of a social media campaign.

iPad Deployment Night Master Plan. Deploying iOS devices to families was a complex process in the fall of 2014, due to a number of steps involving parental involvement in the creation of Apple IDs for students. I devised this plan after several iterations prepared for elementary deployment for our staff, in addition to visiting Apple engineers.

Eastern States Consortium Agenda. Our school division had guests coming from several states for a multi-day visit. I created this agenda for all attendees.

Job Recruitment Posters. I designed posters using the “Team Goochland” theme for attracting highly-desirable candidates for our annual job fairs. Examples from 2018 and 2019.

Strategic Innovation Grants Program Poster. Each year for the Virginia School Boards Association conference, I produce a poster to highlight a program of excellence for the school division. In addition, here is the 2019 Symposium Poster and 2019 Symposium T-shirt design.

Technology Times Newsletters. I serve as editor of our monthly newsletter for staff that highlights technology tips, advertises professional development opportunities, and highlights excellence across our classrooms. Examples include December 2018, January-February 2019, and March 2019.
Canvas LMS

For my role at VDOE, I develop and assist others in developing Canvas courses. I have applied custom CSS to style various course elements.
My “design” work also includes instructional design; the course highlighted above, focused on engaging adult learners, is focused on an open-concept that uses several gamification elements.

Goochland County Public Schools Website. For 20 years I served as webmaster for the Goochland County Public Schools website and have experience coding HTML and CSS. I have extensive experience with WordPress, but also ExpressionEngine CMS and Squarespace.

VSTE Website. I created a customized theme for Expression Engine for the Virginia Society of Technology in Education website that ran for 2 years as their website.

Option B Movie and Option B Trailer. This project conducted with classmates at VCU was in response to a class assignment in ethics. We were asked to act out an ethical dilemma in class, but we took it upon ourselves to turn it into a movie. The video was collaboratively planned between us, and I shot the video then later edited the video in Final Cut Pro.
Employee Recognitions April 2020. This project highlights employees from our school district. I used Keynote to develop this video.
360° Tour of Goochland High School. This was shot with an Olympus Theta camera and edited in FinalCut Pro.
Convocation 2019 Video. Video produced for Goochland’s 2019 Convocation Exercises. Shot with iPhone and iPad, and edited in FinalCut Pro.
John’s Leadership Story. Produced as part of a project for a class on data visualization at VCU, this video captures a version of a live presentation I delivered in front of the class. We were tasked to present who we were as leaders using a variety of media to tell our story.
Ubiquitous Computing Recommendations – MERC Spring 2014. My colleagues and I presented these slides at the 2014 MERC conference in front of an audience of Richmond-area educators. This was based on preliminary findings from our doctoral capstone project.
A School Division with Direction. This video was produced as part of the media to communicate Goochland’s Strategic Plan in the February-March, 2014. The script was written by Dr. Stephen Geyer and me, and the narration was done by radio news personality, John Ogle. The video was edited in Final Cut Pro X.
Digital Citizenship Tips for Parents. I produced these in Goochland for the benefit of parents using Apple Keynote and Screenflow.
360 Degree Tours. 360° Video Tour of the Goochland Tech Center using a Ricoh 360 degree Theta camera, edited in Final Cut.
2018 Convocation Opening Video. Wrote the script, did 70% of the filming, and another 70% of the editing of a video produced to open the 2018 school year.
2019 Business and Education Roundtable – Career Ready – Goochland High School. Created to highlight some of the stories behind students in Goochland who benefit from our CTE and academic programs.
On the Road Toward Deeper Learning (Presentation) Presentation highlighting some of our efforts toward deeper learning with 1:1 technology, using Keynote.